
This Narative is the account recorded in the 1801 Naval Chronicle

Although Copenhagen neutralised Denmark and the Northern Confederacy, there was no room whatsoever for complacency. The following report, from the Naval Chronicle of January 1801, makes it clear the Dutch had gone some way to restoring their naval force after their defeat at Camperdown four years earlier:
”The Dutch are making extraordinary exertions for the equipment of a fleet. The Chatham and the Pierre Paulus, of 80 guns, are gone to Helvoetsluys; — another 80 gun ship, built at Amsterdam, a 74, two of 64, and several frigates, are going from the Zuider Sea to the Texel.’
The existence of such a powerful squadron could scarcely be ignored, particularly since French preparations for an invasion were gathering apace. The elimination of Denmark allowed the release of eight ships of the line and numerous smaller vessels from the Baltic squadron to reinforce the North Sea and Channel squadrons. In July, following his return from the Baltic, Nelson was given responsibility for the defence of the Channel between Orford Ness and Beachy Head. Raising his flag in the L’Unité, of 32 guns, commanded by Captain Harvey, he took command of a flotilla of frigates, gun-brigs, fireships, bomb vessels and other smaller ships.
On August 4th he received the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom and Ireland; on the same day, having transferred his flag to the Medusa, Captain Gore, he launched what seems to have been an exploratory attack on the French flotilla in Boulogne harbour. Several French ships were sunk , damaged, or driven ashore, and as a result of this success his ships’ boats mounted a full-scale assault early on morning of the 16th. Unfortunately, adverse tides meant that one whole division was prevented from taking part; and despite great bravery and determination on the part of all the officers and men involved, the attackers were forced to withdraw at daybreak having achieved only a limited success; the losses incurred were extremely heavy, although the French suffered quite as badly–not least from the fire of their infantry on shore, who appear to have exercised no discrimination in their choice of targets.
The tone of Nelson’s reports indicates that he was deeply downcast following this repulse, and especially the heavy ‘butcher’s bill’; however, on the 21st his spirits were clearly lifted by a report from Captain Jonas Rose of the Jamaica of a highly successful attack upon St-Valéry, near Étaples, in which several French ships and a great quantity of supplies were captured or destroyed, at minimal cost.

Threatened Invasion

In consequence of the immense preparations making all along the French coast for the long-talked-of INVASION, Government have thought it necessary to adopt every method that prudence could dictate for the defence of the country. To this end, the division of the North Sea Fleet, commanded by Admiral GRAVES, consisting of the following ships, viz. the Polyphemus, Admiral GRAVES, Veteran and Ruby, men of war; Otter, Vesuvius, Bruiser, Cracker, Hasty, Teazer, and Pincher, gun-brigs; Alecto, fire-ship; Sulphur and Explosion, bomb-vessels; Speedwell, Queen, tenders; Speculator lugger; and L’Espiègle brig; which arrived at Yarmouth on the 19th from the Baltic, have since sailed to join Admiral Dickson’s squadron, now blockading the Dutch Fleet in the Texel.
The following ships, likewise from the Baltic Fleet, have joined the Channel Fleet off Brest:–
Ganges (74) Capt. BRISBANE (acting)
Russel (74) Capt. W. CUMING
Bellona (74) Capt. T. BERTIE
Warrior (74) Capt. C. TYLER
Defiance (74) Capt. RETALICK
Defence (74) Capt. LORD H. PAULET
All the cruisers in the Downs have also been ordered to sea, and twenty additional frigates and sloops of war are stationed along the French coast, from Havre to Dunkirk. A guard-ship is to be stationed in Harwich harbour, manned by pike-men from the different ports along the Essex and Suffolk coast. The sea fencibles are ordered into active service; and there has not only been a very severe press upon the River, but the Lord Mayor, in consequence of application made to him for that purpose, has granted press-warrants in the City, by which means a useful number of hands have been procured.
It was not to be supposed that, in this state of public affairs, Lord NELSON would remain inactive; accordingly we find that his Lordship has again hoisted his flag upon the Unité frigate at Sheerness. He has sixteen frigates, and all the smaller gun-boats and craft, under his orders, from Portsmouth up to the Straits of Dover, to the Northern extremity of our Island, and is invested with very extensive and unusual powers. The Admiralty have also granted his Lordship three Aides-de-Camp, which, although unprecedented, in consideration of the inconvenience to which the gallant Admiral is exposed by the loss of his right arm. Every person must rejoice to see Lord Nelson, whose courage, enterprize, and vigilance are so pre-eminent, employed in such service. At the present moment this species of naval force may be of the utmost utility, and its full effect will be obtained under his direction.
The King has been pleased to grant the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Right Honourable Horatio Viscount Nelson, Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and Vice-Admiral of the Blue Squadron of his Majesty’s Fleet (Duke of Bronti in Sicily, Knight of the Grand Cross of the order of St. Ferdinand and of Merit, and of the Imperial Order of the Crescent), and to the heirs male of his body, lawfully begotten, by the name, stile, and title of Baron Nelson of the Nile, and of Hilborough, in the county of Norfolk; with remainders to Edmund Nelson, Clerk, rector of Burnham Thorpe, in the said county of Norfolk, father of the said Horatio Viscount Nelson, and the heirs male of his body, lawfully begotten; and to the heirs male lawfully begotten, and to be begotten severally and successively by Susannah the wife of Thomas Bolton, Esq. and sister of the said Horatio Viscount Nelson; and in default of such issue, to the heirs male of Catherine the wife of George Matcham, Esq. another sister of the said Horatio Viscount Nelson.
Copy of a letter from Lord Viscount Nelson, K. B. Vice admiral of the Blue, &c. to Evan Nepean, Esq. dated on board his Majesty’s ship Medusa, off Boulogne, the 4th instant.
The enemy’s vessels, brigs, and flats, (lugger rigged,) and a schooner, twenty-four in number, were this morning, at day light, anchored in a line in front of the town of Boulogne; the wind being favourable for the bombs to act, I made the signal for them to weigh, and to throw shells at the vessels, but as little as possible to annoy the town; the Captains placed their ships in the best possible position, and in a few hours three of the flats and a brig were sunk; and in the course of the morning six were on shore, evidently much damaged; at six in the evening, being high water, five of the vessels which had been aground, hauled with difficulty into the Mole, the others remained under water; I believe the whole of the vessels would have gone inside but for want of water. What damage the enemy has sustained, beyond what we see, is impossible to tell. The whole of this affair is of no further consequence than to show the enemy they cannot, with impunity, come outside their ports. — The Officers of Artillery threw the shells with great skill, and I am sorry to say that Captain Fyers, of the Royal Artillery, is slightly wounded in the thigh by the bursting of an enemy’s shell, and two seamen are also wounded. A flat gun-vessel is this moment sunk. I am, &c. &c.
Copy of a letter from Lord Viscount Nelson, K. B. Vice admiral of the Blue, &c. to Evan Nepean, Esq. dated on board his Majesty’s ship Medusa, off Boulogne, Aug. 16.
Having judged it proper to attempt bringing off the enemy’s flotilla, moored in the front of Boulogne, I directed the attack to be made by four divisions of boats, for boarding, under the command of Captains Somerville, Cotgrave, Jones, and Parker; and a division of howitzer boats under Captain Conn. The boats put off from the Medusa at half past eleven last night in the best possible order, and before one o’ clock this morning the firing began, and I had, from the judgment of the officers, and the zeal and gallantry of every man, the most perfect confidence of complete success; but the darkness of the night, with the tide and half tide, separated the divisions, and from all not arriving at the same happy moment with Captain Parker, is to be attributed the failure of success; but I beg to be perfectly understood that not the smallest blame attaches itself to any person; for although the divisions did not arrive together, yet each (excepting the fourth division, which could not be got up before day) made a successful attack on that part of the enemy they fell in with, and actually took possession of many brigs and flats, and cut their cables, but many of them being aground, and the moment of the battle’s ceasing on board them, the vessels were filled with vollies upon vollies of musketry, the enemy being perfectly regardless of their own men, who must have suffered equally with us, it was therefore impossible to remain on board, even to burn them; but allow me to say, who have seen much service this war, that more determined persevering courage I never witnessed, and that nothing but the impossibility of being successful, from the causes I have mentioned, could have prevented me from having to congratulate their Lordships; but although in value the loss of such gallant and good men is incalculable, yet, in point of numbers, it has fallen short of my expectations. I must also beg leave to state, that greater zeal and ardent desire to distinguish themselves by an attack on the enemy was never shewn than by all the captains, officers, and crews of all the different vessels under my command. The Commanders of the Hunter and Greyhound revenue cutters went in their boats in the most handsome and gallant manner to the attack. Amongst the many brave men wounded, I have, with the deepest regret, to place the name of my gallant friend and able assistant Captain Edward T. Parker; also my Flag-Lieutenant Frederick Langford, who has served with me many years; they were both wounded in attempting to board the French Commodore. To Captain Gore, of the Medusa, I feel the highest obligations; and when their Lordships look at the loss of the Medusa on this occasion, they will agree with me, that the honour of my Flag, and the cause of their King and Country, could never have been placed in more gallant hands. Captain Bedford of the Leyden, with Captain Gore, very handsomely volunteered their services to serve under a master and commander; but I did not think it fair to the latter, and I only mention it to mark the zeal of those officers. From the nature of the attack only a few prisoners were made; a lieutenant, eight seamen, and eight soldiers, are all brought off. Herewith I send the reports of several commanders of divisions, and a return of killed and wounded. I have the honour to be, &c.
P. S. Captain Somerville was the senior master and commander employed.
MY LORD, Eugenie, off Boulogne, Aug. 16. 1801
In obedience to your Lordship’s direction to state the proceedings of the first division of boats which you did me the honour to place under my command, for the purpose of attacking the enemy’s flotilla in the Bay of Boulogne, I beg leave to acquaint you, that after leaving the Medusa last night, I found myself, on getting on shore, carried considerably by the rapidity of the tide to the eastward of the above-mentioned place; and finding that I was not likely to reach it in the order prescribed, I gave directions for the boats to cast each other off. By so doing, I was enabled to get to the enemy’s flotilla a little before the dawn of day, and in the best possible order, attacked, close to the pier head, a brig, which, after a sharp contest, I carried. Previous to so doing, her cables were cut; but I was prevented from towing her out by her being secured with a chain, and in consequence of a very heavy fire of musketry and grape shot that was directed at us from the shore, three luggers, and another brig within half pistol shot, and not seeing the least prospect of being able to get her off, I was obliged to abandon her, and push out of the Bay, as it was then completely day-light. The undaunted and resolute behaviour of the officers, seamen, and marines was unparalleled; and I have to lament the loss of several of these brave men, a list of whom I enclose herewith. I have the honour to be, &c.
Lord Viscount Nelson P. SOMERVILLE
MY LORD, Medusa, off Boulogne, Aug. 16.
After the complete arrangement which was made, the perfect good understanding and regularity with which the boats you did me the honour to put under my command left the Medusa, I have an anxious feeling to explain to your Lordship the failure of our enterprise, that, on its outset, promised every success. Agreeable to your Lordship’s instructions, I proceeded with the second division of boats under my direction (the half of which were under the direction of Lieut. Williams, senior of the Medusa), to attack the part of the enemy’s flotilla appointed for me, and at half past twelve had the good fortune to find myself close to them, when I ordered Lieut. Williams, with his subdivision, to push on to attack the vessels to the northward of me, while I, with the others, run alongside a large brig off the Mole Head, wearing the Commodore’s pendant. It is at this moment that I feel myself at a loss for words to do justice to the officers and crew of the Medusa who were in the boat with me, and to Lieut. Langford, the officers and crew of the same ship, who nobly seconded us in the barge, until all her crew were killed or wounded; and to the Hon. Mr. Cathcart, who commanded the Medusa’s cutter, and sustained the attack with the greatest intrepidity, until the desperate situation I was left in obliged me to call him to the assistance of the sufferers in my boat. The boats were no sooner alongside than we attempted to board; but a very strong netting, traced up to her lower yards, baffled all our endeavours, and an instantaneous discharge of her guns and small arms, from about 200 soldiers on her gunwale, knocked myself, Mr. Kirby, the Master of the Medusa, and Mr. Gore, a midshipman, with two thirds of the crew, upon our backs into the boat, all either killed or wounded desperately. The barge and cutter being on the outside, sheered off with the tide, but the flat boat, in which I was, hung alongside, and as there was not an officer or man left to govern her, must have fallen into the hands of the enemy, had not Mr. Cathcart taken her in tow, and carried her off.
Mr. Williams led his subdivision up to the enemy with the most intrepid gallantry, took one lugger, and attacked a brig, while his crews, I am concerned to say, suffered equally with ourselves, nearly the whole of his boat’s crew were killed or wounded; Lieutenant Pelley, who commanded the Medusa’s launch, and the Hon. Mr. Maitland, midshipman, were severely wounded; and Mr. W. Bristow, master’s mate in the Medusa’s cutter, under Lieut. Stewart, was killed.
I now feel it my duty to assure your Lordship, that nothing could surpass the zeal, courage and readiness of every description of officer and man under my command; and I am sorry that my words fall short of their merits, though we could not accomplish the object we were ordered to. I have the honour to be, &c.
Lord Viscount Nelson, &c. (Signed) EDWARD PARKER
MY LORD, Gannet, Aug. 16, 1801
On the night of the 15th instant, the third division of boats which I had the honour to command, assembled on board his Majesty’s ship York, agreeable to your Lordship’s directions, and at eleven P. M. by signal from the Medusa, proceeded, without loss of time, to attack the enemy’s flotilla, off Boulogne, as directed by your Lordship; and as I thought it most advisable to endeavour to reduce the largest vessel first, I lost no time in making the attack; but in consequence of my leading the division, and the enemy opening a heavy fire from several batteries, thought it advisable to give the enemy as little time as possible, cut the tow-rope, and did not wait for the other boats, so that it was some little time before the heavy boats could get up; received so many shots through the ship’s bottom, that I soon found her in a sinking state, and as it was not possible to stop so many shot holes, was obliged with the men to take to another boat, and have the particular pleasure to acquaint your Lordship, that I received particular support from the boats of his Majesty’s ship York, which soon came up with the rest of the division I had the honour to command; but finding no prospect of success, and the number of men killed and wounded in the different boats, and the constant fire from the shore of grape and small arms, thought it for the good of his Majesty’s service to withdraw the boats between two and three in the morning, as we could not board her, although every effort was made.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Lord Viscount Nelson, K. B. (Signed) ISAAC COTGRAVE
MY LORD, His Majesty’s Ship Isis, Aug. 16, 1801
In consequence of directions received from your Lordship, I last night, on the signal being made on board the Medusa, left this ship with the boats of the fourth division, formed with two close line, and immediately joined the other divisions under the stern of the Medusa, and from thence proceeded to put your Lordship’s order into execution, attacking the westernmost part of the enemy’s flotilla; but notwithstanding every exertion made, owing to the rapidity of the tide, we could not, until near day-light, get to the westward of any part of the enemy’s line; on approaching the eastern part of which, in order t assist the first division then engaged, we met them returning. Under these circumstances, and the day breaking apace, I judged it prudent to direct the officers commanding the different boats to return to their respective ships.
I have the honour to be, &c. ROB. JONES
P. S. None killed or wounded on board any of the fourth division.
Lord Viscount Nelson, K. B.
MY LORD, Discovery, off Boulogne, Aug. 16, 1801
I beg leave to make my report to your Lordship of the four howitzer boats that I had the honour to command in the attack of the enemy last night. Having led in to support Captain Parker’s Division, keeping between his lines until the enemy opened their fire on him, we keeping on towards the pier, until I was aground in the headmost boat, then opened our fire, and threw about eight shells into it; but, from the strength of the tide coming out of the harbour, was not able to keep off the Pier Head, but continued our fire on the camp, until the enemy’s fire had totally slackened, and Captain Parker’s division had passed without me. I beg leave to mention to your Lordship, that I was ably supported by the other boats. Captain Broome and Lieut. Beam, of the Royal Artillery, did every thing in their power to annoy the enemy. The other Officers of Artillery were detached in the other four howitzer boats.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Lord Viscount Nelson, K. B. JOHN CONN
An account of Officers, Seamen, and Marines killed and wounded in the boats of His Majesty’s Ships and Vessels in the attack on the French Flotilla, moored before Boulogne, on the night of 15th August.
Fist Division
Leyden–Eight seamen, three marines, killed; five officers, twenty seamen, fifteen marines, wounded. Total 51.
Eugenie–Three seamen killed; one officer, five seamen, wounded. Total 9.
Jamaica–One officer, three seamen, killed; one Officer, four seamen, four marines, wounded. Total 13.
Second Division
Medusa–Two officers, fourteen seamen, four marines, killed; five Officers, twenty-four seamen, six marines, wounded. Total 55.
Queenborough Cutter–One seaman, killed; six seamen, wounded. Total 7.
Minx–One officer, wounded.
Third Division
York–One officer, 2 seamen, killed; one Officer, ten seamen, five marines, wounded. Total 19.
Gannet–One seaman killed; two seamen, wounded. Total 3.
Ferriter–Two seamen, wounded.
Providence–Two seamen, wounded.
Express–Four seamen, wounded.
Explosion–One seaman killed; two seamen, wounded. Total 3.
Discovery–One seaman, wounded.
Fourth Division
None killed or wounded.
Total–Four officers, thirty-three seamen, seven marines, killed; fourteen officers, eighty-four seamen, thirty marines, wounded.
Total 172.
Names of Officers Killed and Wounded
Leyden–Lieutenants Thomas Oliver, Francis Dickenson, badly; Captain Young of the Marines, badly; Mr. Francis Burney, Master’s Mate; Mr. Samuel Spratley, Midshipman, wounded.
Eugenie–Mr. William Bassett, Acting Lieutenant, wounded.
Jamaica–Mr. Alexander Rutherford, Master’s Mate, killed; Lieutenant Jeremiah Skelton, wounded.
Medusa–Mr. William Gore, Mr. William Bristow, Midshipmen; killed; Captain Edward Thornborough Parker, Lord Nelson’s Aid-de-Camp; Lieutenants Charles Pelley, Frederick Langford; Mr. William Kirby, Master; the Hon. Anthony Maitland, Midshipman, wounded.
York–Mr. Berry, Midshipman, killed; Mr. Brown, Gunner, wounded.
Mr. Richard Wilkinson, Commander of the Greyhound Revenue Cutter, wounded, and one seaman belonging to the Greyhound likewise wounded.
Late Attacks Upon Boulogne
LORD NELSON’S ADDRESS to his SQUADRON, after the First Attack upon the Flotilla at Boulogne.
Medusa, off Boulogne, August 5
Lord Nelson has reason to be very much satisfied with the Captains of the bombs, for their placing of the vessels yesterday; it was impossible that they could have ben better situated, and the artillery officers have shewn great skill in entirely disabling ten of the armed vessels out of twenty-four opposed to them, and many others, Lord Nelson believes, are much damaged. The Commander in Chief cannot avoid noting the great zeal and desire to attack the enemy in a closer and different combat, which manifested itself in all ranks of persons, and which Lord Nelson would fully have given full scope to, had the attempt at this moment been proper; but the officers and others may rely, that an early opportunity shall be given them for shewing their judgment, zeal, and bravery. The hired and revenue cutters kept under sail, and performed the duty entrusted to them with a great deal of skill.
(Signed) NELSON and BRONTI
LORD NELSON’S Address after the Second Attack
Medusa, Downs, Aug. 18
Vice Admiral Lord Nelson has the greatest satisfaction in sending the Captains, Officers, and Men under his command, that were employed in the late attempt on the enemy’s flotilla off Boulogne, an extract of a letter which he has received from the First Lord of the Admiralty, not only approving of their zeal and persevering courage, but bestowing the highest praise on them.
The Vice-Admiral begs to assure them, that the enemy will not have long reason to boast of their security; for he trusts, ere long, to assist them in person in a way which will completely annihilate the whole of them. Lord Nelson is convinced, that if it had been possible for men to have brought the enemy’s flotilla out, the men that were assigned to do so would have accomplished it. The moment the enemy have the audacity to cast off the chains which fix their vessels to the ground, that moment Lord Nelson is well persuaded they will be conducted by his brave followers to a British port, or sent to the bottom.
(Signed) NELSON and BRONTI
EXTRACT of a LETTER from Earl ST. VINCENT, to Lord Viscount
NELSON, K. B. dated the 17th instant.
It is not given to us to command success. Your Lordship, and the gallant officers and men under your orders most certainly deserve it; and I cannot sufficiently express my admiration of the zeal and persevering courage with which this gallant enterprise was followed up; lamenting most sincerely the loss sustained in it. The manner in which the enemy’s flotilla was made fast to the ground, and to each other, could not have been foreseen. The highest praise is due to your Lordship, and all under your command, who were actors in this gallant attempt.

When Lord Nelson sailed last to the Nore, instead of taking the usual course, he chose to cross the Naze, which had always been considered unnavigable for ships of war. This passage will in future be called Nelson’s Channel.


Copy of a Letter from Lord Viscount Nelson, K. B. Vice-Admiral of the Blue
&c. to Evan Nepean, Esq. dated Downs, the 23rd instant.
Herewith I transmit you a letter from Captain Rose, giving me an account of the boats of the several vessels under his orders having burnt a quantity of pitch, tar, and turpentine, destroyed three gun-boats, taken two launches, and a flat-boat about forty-five feet long, and eighteen or twenty feet wide, mounted with one brass eight inch howitzer; this boat sunk astern of the Hound. The business on the part of our boats was conducted with much spirit; and much praise is due to Lieutenant Agassiz, of the Hound, and Lieutenant L. Vescont, of the Jamaica, for their brave example on this occasion.
I have the honour to be, &c. NELSON and BRONTI
MY LORD The Jamaica, at Sea, August 21, 1801
I beg leave to acquaint you, that yesterday evening, at eight o’ clock, being at anchor off Estaples, I observed a large fire to the S. S. E. and at the same time a very heavy cannonade. I immediately got under weigh with the vessels under my orders, and ran down to it. About ten I spoke Captain Sanadine, of the Hound, who informed me that the fire proceeded from a cargo of pitch and tar, belonging to a vessel wrecked on the coast some time ago, which the boats of the Hound and Mallard had set fire to; and that six flat boats had come out of Saint Vallery that afternoon, which he forced on shore, and then lay hauled upon the Beach. I accordingly this morning sent the boats of the Jamaica, Gannet, and Hound, together with those of the gun-brigs, to endeavour to cut them out, under the direction of Lieutenant Agassiz, of the Hound; at the same time standing n with the different vessels, in order to cover the boats from the fire of the military and five field pieces, posted behind the sand-hills on shore. I am happy to acquaint your Lordship that they succeeded in bringing off three; the others had been previously scuttled, so as to render it impossible to remove them; however the boats damage them as much as the time would admit of. I cannot sufficiently praise the gallantry and zeal of Lieutenant Agassiz, of the Hound, and Lieutenant L. Vescont , of the Jamaica, with the officers and men employed on this service. Annexed I transmit a list of our loss; and have the honour to be, &c.
Jamaica–Daniel Brocklesby, seaman, killed.
Gannet–William Warren, seaman, wounded.
Hound–Thomas Hamblin, Midshipman, wounded.
Tygress–Anthony Judd, seaman, slightly wounded.
Mallard–John Bucy, seaman, slightly wounded.

From the Obituaries

Messrs. Williams and Gore, two Midshipmen belonging to his Majesty’s ship Medusa, killed in the late unsuccessful attack on the French flotilla off Boulogne, were buried the 18th instant (August), at Deal, in one grave. Lord Nelson followed their bodies to the ground, preceded by eight Captains of the Navy, preceded by a file of marines, who fired three vollies over the place of their interment. An immense crowd of spectators were present to witness this last tribute of respect to the memory of two gallant young Officers, who were an ornament to that profession in which they so nobly fell. His Lordship was sensibly affected during the funeral, and seen to shed tears.
The 26th instant* at Deal, the gallant E. T. Parker, of the wounds he received in the second attack on the French flotilla off Boulogne. Every attention was paid to this meritorious Officer that his lamentable situation demanded. Earl St. Vincent, with that humanity which has ever marked his conduct, sent down his own surgeon to attend him; and great hopes were entertained for a time that not only his valuable life, but his limb would be saved; the flattering expectations of his friends were, however, disappointed; he suffered amputation very high in the thigh on the 16th instant, one of the arteries burst, and the great effusion of blood reduced him to so low a state, that he only languished till the morning of the 27th, when “His noble spirit sought the shades,”
to the great regret of every Briton, and particularly of his gallant Commander Lord Nelson. His memory will ever be dear to a grateful Nation in the defence of whose liberties he so bravely distinguished himself.
Mr. William Gore, Midshipman of the Medusa, who fell in the second attack at Boulogne, was the son of Lieutenant-Colonel Gore, of the Bristol Volunteer Infantry; he was only in his 16th year, and promised to be an honour to his family, an ornament to his profession, and an invaluable Officer to his country. Previous to receiving the fatal blow which terminated his life, he had been wounded by five musquet balls in attempting to board, and every man in the boat with him was killed or wounded. Mr. Bristow, his brother-Midshipman, who gallantly fell with him, was a youth of like merit, and is of course alike deservedly lamented.
* It is not entirely clear whether August or September is meant–still less the contradiction between 26th and 27th